“You will go out in JOY and be lead forth in PEACE..”
God has been using this verse as a mantra in my life. I’ve grown to recognize He leads us with His peace, but He is showing me how He leads with joy too.
When it comes to making day to day decisions, sometimes things feel clear, and sometimes it’s harder to see your next step. He tends to just reveal the next right step and not the whole path—we would be completely overwhelmed if He did. The destination isn’t the point, but journeying with Him and seeking Him for every step we take.
When we quiet our minds, stay in the Word, and spend time in His presence, He gives us an inner knowing. It usually isn’t loud or dramatic (although sometimes it can be), but a gentle whisper. We need to quiet the outer noise to hear it.
Often times He gives me peace about my next step, or lack of peace when it isn’t the right move. But, being a super disciplined person my whole life, I can easily forget He leads with joy too. I became a master at pushing past “pain” or my own feelings to do things that don’t give me joy, in the name of “discipline.”
There are times this may be appropriate—even when we love our chosen paths or careers, we may not feel “joy” in every day to day task (the joy may come from the overall goal or the souls we interact with). It takes discipline to remember this in the harder moments. But, we cannot ignore joy.
God gives us passions, desires, and abilities for a reason. We were made to be different and contribute to the world in our own unique ways. We are most impactful when we operate from who we truly are. When we give these desires to Him and see them for what they are—from Him—we don’t have to view them as the enemy, but as a guiding light.
Deep down, what truly gives you joy? What do you find your self talking (or writing) about? What sets your soul on fire? Don’t ignore these things, but give them to Him. He will lead you with joy and with peace when you seek Him for your next right step—and act on it.
Each act of obedience opens the way for His continued guidance. If He feels silent, ask Him if you obeyed the last thing He told you? If not, start there.?
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