This time of year, you will likely be bombarded with advertisements to “fix” yourself, or “do this and you will lose X pounds,” or “this is the plan that will finally work!” I encourage you to view these messages with a new lens. Quick fixes only cause harm in the long run, mentally and physically, confusing your body’s internal weight regulation system.
Have your past New Year’s resolutions to “shrink” your body ever produced long term results, or just feelings of guilt and shame around eating? Do they really help you gain “control” of your eating, or make you feel “out of control” around food?
Choosing self-care, tuning in to what our bodies need in the moment, and not constantly trying to manipulate our weight helps our weight stabilize in a range our body doesn’t have to fight. It helps us live at peace with our hunger and fullness cues, rather than viewing them as the enemy. It means we can choose to exercise because it makes us feel good, not to punish ourselves. It means choosing grace and self-compassion, not self-punishment and shame.
I used to constantly try and change my body. I can tell you I never felt satisfied. I always worried about everything I put in my mouth. I worried about getting every workout in, even when I felt sick or exhausted. I can tell you—FREEDOM is so much better. I developed a new relationship with food and exercise, which took time and support. I’ve learned how to treat my body with care, rather than restricting food and exercising through pain. This doesn’t mean I never have a bad “body image” day as my clients describe it, but when I do, I remember fighting against my own body isn’t worth the cost.
We were meant to live FREE, not constantly chasing an ideal that will never satisfy. Speaking this message of self-care, intuitive eating, and letting go of dieting often feels like swimming upstream, especially this time of year. It may not seem as glamorous as your friend or neighbor’s new weight loss plan. But, I tell you, pursuing long term freedom and peace are SO worth it.
If this resonates with you, and you would like more support on your own journey, feel free to reach out on my contact page.
Have a happy and free New Year!
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