Repost from 6/28/17
Many years ago as a stressed out college student, I was walking the beach along the AL shore. I could not help but notice how carefree the seagulls were. Birds don’t fly around stressed out about where their next meal comes from or what they will be doing the next day. They live free without a care in the world. Something about observing the birds on the beach that day struck me and I felt like God was speaking to me, telling me he wants us to approach life that way, trusting Him and not living stressed out lives.
Since then, I repeated bad habits of overworking myself, filling my schedule to the brim, and living a stressed out life. I cared too much about pleasing people. I lived as if I were superwoman, not needing rest. I lived in constant “fight or flight” mode and my health reflected it. But, every time I would hear birds singing outside, I remembered that day on the beach many years before.
I have been a long work in progress. It has taken me this long in my life for God to really change this in me–not that I am where I need to be, but closer every day. I make a conscious effort to not fill my schedule to the brim. I know that rest/play time is absolutely needed. I work hard so I can rest hard and make time for “self care.” When I sense burnout and over-exhaustion (I’ve been there quite a few times), I try and do something about it.
I feel so much more at peace and I no longer want to go back to my “old ways.” I wear this shirt as a reminder to myself to live like a bird, carefree and trusting God with the details of my life.
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