These 3 little hairballs teach me so much about leaning on God step-by-step. Ricky and I love going for walks around the block with these little guys, and observing how they keep pace with us reminds me of 3 ways we may keep pace with God.
In some areas of my life lately, I identify with Barkley, the little guy on the right. As soon as we open the door, he starts sprinting out of excitement. He expends his energy very quickly by trying to run faster than the pace we are going. About halfway through the walk, we end up carrying him.
I too, like Barkley, tend to run 1,000 mph when God leads me in a certain direction. Instead of keeping pace with Him, I becoming overly eager and move full speed ahead, then end up tired and frustrated. God gently reminds me to keep pace with Him, trusting in His timing, and relying on Him for each step along the way. He has been refining me and cultivating more patience in me.
Nemo, the little guy in the middle, tends to be just the opposite. He often hangs back, overly stimulated by his surroundings. Rather than moving towards what is ahead, he prefers his comfort zone. Rather than moving on to new and exciting areas we want to expose him to, he prefers to hold on to what he has in the moment, being distracted by what is around him. How easy is it to hold on tightly to what we have in the moment, rather than letting go and trusting God when He leads us toward change? How often do we get distracted by or comfortable in our current circumstances, being fearful of moving ahead as He leads us?
Marley, the snaggle-toothed girl on the left, is juuust right. She takes in her surroundings, being present where she is, but also trusts us when we move ahead, keeping pace with us. She just wants to be with us. Can we all be like Marley, keeping pace with God, enjoying where He has us in the moment, and trusting Him when He moves us ahead?
God isn’t so concerned with our destination as much as our staying close with Him, trusting and relying on Him in the moment. It isn’t about the journey, but staying in His presence.
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You’ve brought tears to my eyes baby girl with this one !!! The best analogy I’ve ever heard So sweet and honest. Soul changing stuff !!!