Many churches this time of year enter a season of fasting together, usually from food. Many of my clients raise concerns about how it would affect their eating disorder recovery.
Disordered eating affects more people than you may realize, because many are silent about their struggles, or don’t recognize it.
When you struggle with disordered eating, there is a lack of freedom around eating. You became enslaved to the eating disorder.
There are different types of eating disorders, but they usually start with restricting food. This can lead you down a path of malnutrition and/or rebound “overeating” as your body seeks out what it is lacking, leading to poorer mental and physical health.
In recovery, it’s important to “disobey” the eating disorder in favor of what your “healthy self” needs, over and over again. This takes the power away over time.
FASTING is intended to reveal our need for God and strengthen our connection; a time of finding FREEDOM from what holds us in bondage. (Isaiah 58:6)
When disordered eating has been a part of your life, fasting from food can be a “sneaky” way to give in to the eating disorder…leading you away from freedom, not towards it, which is not the intention of fasting.
Ask God to search the motivations of your heart. When you consider fasting from food, would it lead you closer to freedom, or away from it? Will it draw you closer to God, or make you feel more distant?
Fasting from food may be the right step for you. It may not be. There are other alternatives.
Need some ideas?: Consider these options: Social media. Certain TV shows, movies, or music. Weighing yourself. Taking breaks from your phone. Wearing deodorant. (Please don’t 🙂
Fasting is between you and God. Ask Him to reveal what He has in mind for you this season if you are considering a fast.
If you or someone you love is struggling with disordered eating, please reach out to me or another trusted health professional who specializes in eating disorders. You don’t have to go through it alone.
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